Cupid's Arrow Book One Bewitching The Earl Read online

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  Could what he predicted be true, would her body against her wishes demand to be intimate with him again? It horrified her to think that it could happen. Would she be able to fight the urge or would her need win. She would do whatever she had to; she couldn’t allow it to happen again. Well, not until they knew each other better, only then would she let him make love to her again.

  It horrified her though, at just how easily he had seduced her; with just one kiss, he drained all her willpower out of her. It was intolerable to discover just how weak she was where he was concerned. Somehow, someway she was going to have to build up her resistance. Deep down inside though, she was afraid it might be already too late or impossible. Yet she was determined that she wouldn’t weaken again. As of now there will be no more kissing because she knew her resolve would easily crack wide open.

  The idea that she was so weak was intolerable and it was one thing she was determined not to let happen until she alone decided the time was right. Until then she was going to make certain he kept his distance and she intended to start right now. Her lips turned up in a snarl, at least he had enough sense not to reach out and force her into his arms. If he did, she would take the greatest pleasure punching him in the eye.

  When she heard his soft snore, she made a scoffing sound of contempt. Closing her eyes, she tried to dismiss everything that had taken place since the moment he caught her in the bath. When that didn’t work, she turned her thoughts to her father and aunt. She wondered how they were going to react when she walked in the door and confronted them. No doubt they would start yelling and threatening her.

  Perhaps Mister Peabody would accompany her along with her husband, yes she decided she would ask the man. With him there as not only witness, but also her legal representative they wouldn’t dare try to intimidate her. She would need to collect the account books her father kept as well, she groaned under her breath knowing it would probably take her weeks or months to go through them all, but if she wanted to learn everything and take control of her inheritance, it was imperative that she do it.

  Now that she was free of her father and aunts domination, she was determined to be independent. Since her husband was leaving everything in her hands, she decided she wasn’t going to bother him when she needed advice. She needed to prove not only to herself, but him as well that she was quite capable of looking after everything she owned by herself. He probably wouldn’t’ notice anyway since he had his own busy life.

  Once this mess with their families was sorted out and they were no longer a problem, she was going to enjoy all the things that had been forbidden to her. Now she had no one to stop her, she could do as she pleased. Since she loved to ride, the first thing she was going to purchase was a horse. One with spirit and would make a fine stud. For so long she’d always dreamed of breeding only the very best horses and now she had the chance to do it.

  Excitement quickened her blood, she would also purchase half a dozen mares to start with and hire a competent breeder who knew his way round horses. It was another thing she would have to ask Mister Peabody. She very much doubted he would mind helping her. Not once did it enter her head to ask her husband for advice until just now. She frowned wondering if she should or not. She gave a small shake of her head and decided he probably wouldn’t be interested. No sense bothering him when he’d probably just tell her to do whatever made her happy. As she settled down to sleep, her mind drifted to all the other things she had craved to buy and since nothing was stopping her from having them, she didn’t see any reason why she shouldn’t.


  Staring down at his sleeping wife, dissatisfaction stirred in his chest, last night had been glorious until she ruined it and he’d been tempted to strangle her just to shut her up. It had also annoyed him when she turned her back on him. He fought the battle to drag her into his arms and thankfully won. One thing he refused to do was give into her when she was in a snit. As for her ultimatum, he smirked. She wouldn’t have a chance of winning against her own desire. Now she had a taste of passion, she would only be craving it more.

  The conflicting trouble was though, that in one way he prayed she would win and not give in because he was afraid he’d only become more captured in the spell she had woven around him. On the other hand it was going to be impossible to not to deny himself the pleasure of being buried back inside her. Hell, the chit confused him, with a grunt, he dragged his fingers through his hair, after dropping his arm, he spun away and strode out the door making sure he closed it quietly behind him. He didn’t want to wake her, he wasn’t up to dealing with her this early in the morning. Their lovemaking last night was still too fresh in his mind and it was disconcerting him.

  Trotting down the staircase, he strode passed the parlor and suddenly stopped, his eyes wide in disbelief he backed up and his jaw dropped open. What in the hell had happened? Where were the generations of his family heirlooms? He was damn certain they were there when he left last night, but now they were all gone. A slow roar was building up his throat and unable to stop it exploding, he bellowed. “Thomas.” He glared at the man as he came flying down the passage. He lifted his hand and pointed into the parlor. “Start explaining and it had better be a good explanation.”

  Nervously, Thomas peeked into the parlor. “Ah, well, my Lord. You... um your wife decided to make some changes last evening.”

  “My Wife!” Garth shouted as he stared at the near empty room, he swallowed several times to try to force his rage under control. When he thought he was calm enough, he spoke again. “How in blazes could you let her?”

  Offended by the accusation, Thomas stiffened. “How could I not? After all, she’s not only your wife, but is mistress here and it’s now her home as well.”

  At the rebuke, the anger drained out of him and Garth’s shoulders sagged. “Your right. Just where did she put everything and please don’t tell me threw the family heirlooms away.”

  “No, my Lord, she had everything packed up and stored in the attic.” Relief that his lordship was no longer furious, Thomas was able to breathe again.

  “Well thank goodness for small mercies. Tell me she didn’t make any more changes.” Garth gripped his hands when his butler nodded. “Where?”

  “In the library, she’s set up a temporary office for herself until she can find a more suitable room.” Thomas was half way through his explanation when his lordship started to approach the room; he winced when he heard the strangling bellow.

  “Damn the woman, she had no right to do this with asking me first. She’s stripped valuables from every Brookes’ generation from both rooms. The whole history of my family and she’s consigned the historical valuables to the attic like unwanted junk. Treasures that even the museum are desperate to get their hands on.” Garth couldn’t believe his wife would strip his home of its history without even asking him if she could.

  “My Lord, she didn’t do it out of spite. She only wanted to make the rooms more comfortable.” Thomas tried to explain, but seeing the black rage on his lordship’s face decided not to anger the man any further.

  “I’m going for an early morning ride.” Garth growled and stormed to the back of the house and let himself out the kitchen door. It was taking everything inside him to contain the rage bubbling and boiling inside him. Before he faced her, he needed to get himself under control because if he saw her right now, it would be impossible not to explode with his wrath. Entering the stables, he ordered his horse saddled and waited impatiently for it to arrive. When it finally did, he swung up on the saddle and rode away. His jaw was clench hard and his body stiff with outrage. The only rooms in the house that had ever been decorated with each new earl were the bedchambers and the study. Other than adding their own valuable items with the rest of collection, the entire house remained untouched until now.

  In his mind, he knew he was over reacting yet she had no right to do what she had done. He knew when he calmed down he was going to have to sit down and explain things to her. He was als
o going to tell her that she couldn’t change anything else, not here or in any of his country estates. Besides, he liked the way things were and detested change, especially when it was unnecessary.

  Women, they just couldn’t help themselves. No matter how comfortable it was, they had to go and ruin it by changing things. Well, he wasn’t going to stand for it, his wife would just have to accept the way things were and deal with the fact everything would remain the same. He scowled when he heard his name shouted and turning his head, he groaned when he saw Killian riding towards him. Hell, that’s all he needed.

  “You’re up and out early for a newly wedded man.” Killian teased as he drew level with his friend.

  “I thought I’d take advantage of the early hour for a quiet ride in the park.” Garth grumbled.

  Amused, Killian raised a brow. “You sound as if you have something strangling in your throat. You wouldn’t have a sour taste in your mouth over your hasty marriage would you?”

  With his jaw clench, Garth glared hotly at his friend. “No.”

  “Mmm, strange you were so eager to rush home to your bride last night and now you have abandoned her and your bed to be out and about this early.” Killian watched his friend swell up with anger. “Too late for regrets, you know.”

  “Damn it, man. I don’t regret anything. Everything is fine between us.” Garth hands tightened on the reins so he wouldn’t be tempted to put his fist in his friend’s face.

  “Well, something is certainly bothering you and don’t say there isn’t. We’ve known each other to long and I know something’s upsetting you.” More serious now, Killian could tell something was troubling his friend.

  Not wanting to discuss the matter, Garth turned away from the probing eyes. “I don’t want to talk about it, but it’s nothing serious.”

  “Ah, I see. I won’t ask anymore question. You’ll tell me when you’re ready.” With a shrug, Killian said no more on the subject.

  “Saw your betrothed last night. Your hellion was certainly causing a stir. Went straight up to her cousin’s husband and accused him of adultery.” Garth wasn’t surprised at his friend’s reaction at the mention of his fiancé and her knack for causing trouble.

  “Damn that walking disaster. When will she ever learn to mind her own blasted business?” Killian growled.

  Amused, Garth was relieved that most of his rage had drained out of him. “Perhaps it’s time you took her in hand.”

  “Not bloody likely. I’d probably end up throttling her before the end of the ceremony. Killian growled.

  Laughing, Garth nudged his horse faster. “She’s very beautiful and desirable. It’s just a pity she’s such a troublemaker.” He heard his friend grunt in disgust and chuckled. Killian’s long engagement was a standing joke between them and occasionally Gideon and he liked to tease the man about it. It always surprised him though that the man refused to admit what a glorious, sensual creature his fiancé was.

  A man would have to be blind or dead not to notice yet Killian most of the time refused to speak about her. His mind stopped wandering when his friend asked to join him for breakfast and he didn’t hesitate in taking up the invitation. It was probably for the best he put off seeing his wife for a few more hours. He was sure to lose his temper at the first sight her right now. Yes, it was better if he kept away for now.

  Chapter Thirteen

  It has been such a relief when she woke up alone this morning because facing her husband was the very last thing she wanted to do after last night. She had been on edge since Thomas had told he was out riding. When Mister Peabody along with her new secretary Mister Marsh arrived at ten, she had been ecstatic knowing that shortly she would be at last free of her prison. She had wanted to run over to her house and evict her father and aunt, but decided to wait for Garth to return knowing that he would want to be there. The trouble was now it was nearly noon he still hadn’t shown up and she was becoming more than irritated.

  It became quite obvious to Laura that her husband was doing something else other than going for a ride. No one spent several hours on horseback in London, in the country yes, but not in an overcrowded city. Her patience running out, she stood up and smile at the two gentlemen. “It seems my husband is delayed. I have decided that with you accompanying me it’s time I pay a visit to my father and aunt.

  Along with Mister Marsh, Mister Peabody rose out of their chairs. “May I suggest, my Lady that you also have two capable footmen accompany you just as a precaution? I am not suggesting there will violence, but they will be protection just in case there is.”

  “What a splendid idea, Mister Peabody. If you will allow me a few minutes I will see to it at once and meet you by the front door.” Whirling around, she hurried from the room and found the butler coming down the staircase. “Thomas does my husband have two burley footmen in his employ?”

  Frowning, Thomas nodded. “He does, my Lady.”

  “Excellent. Please send for them. I would like them to accompany on my outing.” Laura was eager to have the confrontation over with so she could reclaim her life.

  “But, my Lady do you think it’s wise for you to leave the house? His lordship will be most displeased.” Thomas’s voice was filled with concern, but he could see by the stubborn set of his mistress’s jaw she was determined to go out.

  “Wise or not, Thomas I have been waiting for hours for his return and I refuse to wait any longer. Now please send the footmen to me.” She could see that the butler wasn’t happy, but she wanted this business over and done with. Five minutes later, her eyes widened and her mouth turned up in a bright smile when she saw the two enormous servants hastening towards her. “Thank you for agreeing to come with me.”

  “This is Rob on your right, my Lady and John on your left. They have sworn to protect you with their lives if necessary.” Thomas explained.

  “Oh, I don’t think that will be required, but I do thank you. Now shall we go? If my husband returns before I do please inform him Thomas that I’m visiting my parents and I’m well protected.” When the butler hurried over to the front door grumbling, when it was opened she sailed outside with her entourage.

  Inside Mister Peabody’s carriage, anxiety and excitement churned in her stomach. For a few moments she was feeling sad and remorseful over what she was about to do, but then she quickly remaindered herself of all these years she had suffered and what her father and aunt had done to her over the last few months. She hardened her heart against any sentiment; she was being utterly foolish to have any consideration for them.

  More determined than ever she let Mister Peabody help her from the vehicle when it stopped. Squaring her shoulders, she ran up the stoop and knocked loudly on the door. When it was opened by the butler and saw the shock on his face, she smiled brightly. “Is my father and aunt home, Rolf?”

  “My Lady, your safe. We have all been terribly worried about you. Come in, come in. Your father and aunt are in the parlor.” Rolf stepped out of the way as the young mistress and several men came inside.

  “Thank you, Rolf. We can find the way.” Turning her head, she looked behind her. “Shall we?”

  “Lead the way, my Lady.” Mister Peabody gave her a smile of reassurance and he along with the others followed the young lady.

  Without stopping, Laura walked straight into the parlor and first she saw shock then panic on her father’s and aunts face. They both gasped loudly and flew out of their chairs. “I can assume you aren’t ecstatic to see me.”

  “Where… where have you been?” David strangled out still reeling from the staggering sight of seeing his daughter.

  A shrug of her shoulders, she dismissed his question. “Does it really matter? I doubt you would really care anyway after planning to have me abducted, ravished and forced into a marriage.”

  “Now see here, we had nothing to do with your kidnapping.” David heatedly denied the accusation.

  A wave of her hand, Laura dismissed his lie. “If you are agreeable to accept what
I’m so generously offering you, I won’t press charges. You are very lucky I am even being so considerate.”

  “Don’t you dare threaten us, you — you, hussy.” Ruth hissed in outrage.

  “Tut, Aunt I would be a little bit more respectful if I were you. After all I can have you carted off to jail in a moment’s notice.” Pleased that her warning had the desired result, she waved for Mister Peabody and when he stepped up beside her, she nodded for him to proceed.

  “You gracious daughter, Lord Wilson has purchased a modest, adequate cottage in the village called Ripon. Along with a small allowance to live on, she will also pay the cost of one a servant, but if you so much as contact her or try any attempt to steal her inheritance, you will be cast out and charges will be brought against you. There are several witnesses who are willing to testify against you if it is needed for us to press charges against you.” Mister Peabody finished informing them of the plans made for their future.

  When her aunt toppled back on to the sofa looking distraught and pale, Laura saw her father’s face crumble. “Mister Peabody and Mister Marsh have graciously agreed to see to your packing and have made travel arrangements for you.”

  “Laura, daughter, please. You can’t throw us out and send us so far away. I’m begging you don’t make us go.” David beseeched her in desperation.

  “We’re ruined, utterly ruined. We’ll be a laughing stock.” Ruth bemoaned, but in a rush of furious outrage, she surged up on her feet and pointed her finger at her niece. “You ungrateful child. After all these years of taking care of you and trying to raise you as a lady, this how you repay us? I will not allow you to cast us out, force us to live in some hovel with nothing to live on. After all we have done for you, I won’t stand for it.”

  “I’m afraid you have no choice, Aunt. If you don’t agree you’ll find yourself and my father locked away for a very long time.” Turning away, Laura nodded. “I will leave everything in your capable hands, Mister Peabody. When you have my father’s account book I would like you and Mister Marsh to call at ten in the morning tomorrow. I’ll return your carriage when I’m home, now come along Rob and John.” She was half way across the room when her solicitor spoke, she stopped and swung around to face him in surprise.