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Cupid's Arrow Book One Bewitching The Earl Page 11

  “Lady Brookes, you seemed to have forgotten the matter of the servant who drugged you.” Mister Peabody hastened to speak before the lady left the house.

  “So I did.” Before she could say more her father bellowed and her aunt screeched.

  “You… you deceitful chit. You were with that blackguard all along and the blasted scoundrel lied to my face. How dare you?” David roared in outrage.

  A smile curving her mouth, Laura ignored her father’s outburst. “Detain the servant, Mister Peabody. You can bring them along when you call tomorrow.” With a curt nod, she turned away and sailed out of the house with the two burly footmen following.


  Still simmering over what his wife had done to his home, he prayed that staying away for so long, he would manage to keep his temper and not bellow at her the moment he saw her. Striding down the hallway, he scowled seeing his butler pacing in the foyer in agitation. Now what? Garth cleared his throat. “What are you doing and where is my wife?”

  Jerking in shock at hearing his lordships voice, Thomas spun to face him. “My Lord, ah... ah. Dear heavens, she left the house, my Lord.”

  “She what?” Garth thundered

  Thomas nodded. “Her solicitor and accountant called. My lady waited for you to return, but when you didn’t, she decided to leave. She did take Rob and John with her.”

  “Damn it, doesn’t she have any sense? Do you know where she went?” Over the shock, Garth fought against panicking.

  “From what I understand, my Lord she was going to pay a call on her father and aunt.” Thomas winced from the black rage on his lordship’s face.

  Clenching and unclenching his fists, Garth wondered what in the hell his wife was thinking and why she hadn’t waited for him to accompany her. Fury hot and fierce swept through him. Knowing that she could be in danger, he strode over to the door and forcefully threw it open. He was unprepared when his wife stumbled inside and collided against him.

  Automatically his arms went around her as he staged backwards and the air was driven out of him. Taking a deep breath, he straightened up and grasping the top of her arms held her away from him. He glared down at her and seeing no harm had come to her, his outrage slowly faded, but not quite. “Just what in the hell were you thinking? Do you have any idea what could have happened to you? Are you out of your mind, woman?”

  When the front door was opened un-expectantly, she lost her balance and collided with her husband. Laura frowned when he stared yelling, when he finished she huffed out a breath of annoyance. “There’s no need to carry on. I was perfectly safe and had plenty of protection. I waited and waited for you to return from your ride, when you didn’t, I decided to take care of matters myself. I have no idea what kept you, after all no one in London rides for several hours, in the country yes, but not in the city.”

  “You seem to have forgotten that my cousin and aunt pose a danger to you as well. As for being away for so long,” he shrugged. “I shared breakfast with my friend.”

  “No, I haven’t forgotten.” She eyed him suspiciously when he mentioned friend, was it a female or a male she wasn’t certain, but she refused to act the jealous wife. She turned to the butler and smiled. “I’m awfully parched, Thomas. I would like a cup of tea if you please.”

  “Right away, my Lady.” Not wanting to be caught in the cross fire, Thomas rushed down the hallway.

  Nowhere near satisfied with her explanation, Garth let her arms go and propelled her into the parlor. One glance and he knew it had been a mistake; he tried to ignore the fury still burning inside him over the changes she made to the room and waved her to a seat. Once she sat down, he stood towering over her. “I want a more detailed account of what took place when you saw your father and aunt.”

  “You’re suddenly becoming very bossy and dictatorial and I don’t like it.” Leaning her head back, she looked at him with annoyance.

  “Blast it, you’re my wife and my responsibility. As your husband, I should have dealt with the matter. You could have at least had the courtesy to wait before you foolishly confronted them.” It more than displeased him that she’d taken such a serious matter into her own hands.

  “Well, I wouldn’t have if you hadn’t been visiting your friend.” She gritted her teeth when she couldn’t keep the belligerence out of her tone.

  In surprise over how upset she was about Killian, it was several seconds before he realized why and he smothered his smirk. “The reason I was with Killian was because I was more than a little upset over the changes you made to my home without even discussing it with me. Imagine my shock when I saw that all my priceless, family heirlooms had suddenly mysteriously disappeared.”

  “You were upset that I packed away all the hideous junk? Truly?” Incredulous she didn’t understand why he was so worked up over it.

  At her disrespectful reply, his jaw clench tight. “Those things you call hideous and junk have been in my family for centuries and are worth a bloody fortune. The only rooms that are ever redecorated are the bedchambers and the study. It is each generation’s responsibility to preserve and cherish what the others have left behind.”

  “Really, it sounds like nonsense to me. Perhaps it would be more sensible to have your own museum to house everything. That way the poor maids won’t have to spend hours dusting all the jun… um treasures and everyone can walk through the room without tripping over something or breaking some object.” Shrugging her shoulders, she thought it made perfect sense since he was being so stubborn.

  He stared down at her in disbelief and wondered if she was being obtuse and disrespectful on purpose or if she believed her idea was a sound one. He shook his head and battled to keep his temper. “I suppose you expect me to be grateful that you didn’t toss everything out on the street?”

  “Now who’s being ridiculous? Of course I wouldn’t have done anything of a kind. I thought we would go through the stuff and decide if anything was worth keeping.” Her annoyance was clear in her tone and she just didn’t care if he heard it.

  Seeing that she wasn’t understanding the point he was trying to make, he threw his hands up in the air. “Once you’ve taken time to consider all I’ve said we’ll discuss it again.” Before his anger could explode, he turned and walked out of the room, across the foyer and entering his study, he slammed the door loudly.

  In mounting frustration, his hands clenched and unclenched, if he wasn’t careful his wife would probably drive him insane. Yet a smug smirk curved his mouth, she had certainly been jealous over his friend, she most likely thought he was visiting a woman. Was she perhaps starting to care for him? He liked the idea that she was, especially after the glorious intimacy they shared last night.

  And just thinking about the astounding pleasure he found being buried inside her, he started to grow aroused. With a growl rumbling in his throat, he swiftly shut the memory out. No way was be about to let the matter of the changes she’d made to his home go, not yet anyway. Maybe in twenty or thirty years he might forgive her, but at the moment, he was still too furious over what she’d done.

  Chapter Fourteen

  When her husband stormed out of the room and slammed the door of his study, she smothered her laughter. The man was certainly worked up over nothing. He had also forgotten the reason he had dragged her into the parlor in the first place. Grinning she looked at the doorway when she heard a sound, when she saw Thomas looking harassed, she wondered what was wrong. “Has something happened?” Laura asked and slowly rose to her feet.

  “I’m afraid cook is threatening to quick, again and this time I don’t think I can talk him out of it.” Thomas let out a heavy, frustrated sigh.

  “Again?” Something must be wrong and she wanted to find out what it was.

  Nodding, Thomas had decided to tell his mistress instead of his lordship, the man was already in a towering rage. “Yes, it happens every month when the walls have to be whitewashed.”

  “Don’t tell me the kitchen hasn’t been touch
ed for generations?” She groaned when he nodded his head vigorously. “I was afraid of that. Come along I’ll see what I can do to soothe the cooks ruffled feathers.”

  “Thank you, my Lady.” Thomas hurried after her.

  Pushing the kitchen door open, her eyes widened in shock. “It’s as if as if I have step back into the dark ages.” Her gaze swam around the room and finally landed on the furious chef. “I can see why your so upset and it amazes me how you can create such wonderful, tasteful meals.”

  “They would be even better if I had a decent stove to cook on and better equipment.” The chef said pugnaciously.

  “Show her ladyship respect, Rufus.” Thomas spoke sharply.

  “It’s alright, Thomas. Rufus is quite right to feel upset.” She smiled at everyone. “Tell me, Rufus would you be willing to stay with us if I improve the kitchens?”

  “I have no complaint working for you, my Lady or his lordship. It’s just the facilities and the inconveniences.” Rufus eyes lit up with eagerness.

  Pleased that the man was willing to stay, she nodded. “I’m relieved to hear that you’ll remain in our services. What I suggest is that over the next several days you prepare what you can while I see to having the kitchen modernized.”

  “Oh, my Lady, I’ll be more than pleased to do as you suggested.” Rufus was near to bursting over having a new kitchen to work in.

  “Thomas find someone to take a note to my solicitor. I’ll have Mister Peabody hire enough workers and a capable man to modernize the kitchen. Now I will leave you to continue on with your work.” Seeing she had handled the matter to everyone’s satisfaction, she left the grinning servants and went straight to the library. She had just finished writing the message when the butler came through the door. “Please have this sent off at once and Thomas I think we should keep this matter to ourselves. It seems my husband doesn’t like changes and that they upset him for some reason.”

  “His lordship detests them, my Lady. The maids though a quite grateful they no longer have to dust so many objects or trip over furniture.” Thomas reached for the envelope and bowed before he left the room.

  Well, at least most of the household were happy with the changes she’d made, but she did wonder how her husband was going to react when he discovered she intended to tear the kitchen apart. He’ll probably be livid. He in all probability had never stepped inside the room so had no idea just how bad it was. Truthfully, she’d been shocked and it was a miracle the chef could serve up such exceptional meals.

  Tomorrow she had not only told Mister Peabody send laborers and a builder along, but to hire the most experienced horse breeder who would pick out a stallion, a gelding and several mares for her to inspect. If they were suitable, she’d have him purchase them on her behalf. Now since she could start her life she didn’t want to waste a moment of it.

  For so long she hadn’t been allowed to do anything, but now she had the opportunity to fulfill her dreams. Rising to her feet, she wandered over to the glass doors leading to the rose arbor and she wondered if Garth expected to be intimate with her again tonight. Though she had enjoyed every moment of it, she wasn’t going to let him make love to her again.

  In her heart she knew it was wrong since they barely knew each other and she also feared that if she wasn’t careful her heart would become involved. If it happened and their marriage was a failure, she would only end up with a broken heart and miserable. He would be any easy man to love if he wasn’t so set in his ways and stubborn.

  It was also obvious he had no intentions of offering up his own hear. So to protect herself against any anguish in the future it was better not to care for him at all. Hearing the hurried feet along the passage approaching, she spun around just as Jenny entered the room. Smiling brightly, she flew across the library and hugged her maid. “I’m so glad to see you and that you haven’t been harmed.”

  “Don’t fret, miss. I kept out of their way, the servants that didn’t, I’m afraid weren’t so lucky. Both your aunt and father struck a few in their rage, but that nice Mister Peabody quickly put a stop to the abuse with the threat of having them both arrested.” Jenny explained and stepped back when her mistress let her go.

  “I should have stayed. Do you know if they have left London yet?” Laura was feeling guilty over the harsh treatment the servants had suffered.

  Jenny nodded. “Yes, Mister Peabody escorted them into the waiting coach and told their bodyguards they were only to stop for meals on their way to Ripon.”

  Relieved, Laura could feel the tension in her shoulders ease considerably. “Thank you for everything, Jenny. Rest and relax until tomorrow. You deserve it.”

  “Thank you, miss.” With a bright smile and after curtsying, Jenny left.

  With a wide contented smile, Laura watched her maid walk down the hallway and disappear, without Jenny’s companionship all those years she’d living with her father and aunt would have been intolerable. For being so faithful and for the friendship she decided to do something special for her maid.


  Having avoided his wife for the rest of the day, leaning an elbow against the mantle in the parlor, Garth battled to ignore the changes made to the room. He sipped his whiskey and waited for Laura to join him. He was determined to make an effort to keep calm for the rest of the evening. The very last thing he wanted to do was ruin his plans for when they retired. When he heard the knocker hitting the front door, he frowned. He wasn’t expecting anyone and he wondered who could be calling.

  At the sound of approaching footsteps, he straightened up and a growl displeasure rumbled in his chest. Hell, this was all he needed to end the most aggravating day of his life. Keeping his expression neutral, he waited impatiently to hear what his aunt was going to whine about now. He didn’t have long to wait, the moment she stepped into the parlor, she started screeching in outrage.

  “What have you done with all the family heirlooms, you despicable reprobate? You have no right to touch them or remove them from the room. I demand you tell me what you have done with them.” Jane demanded in a high-pitched voice filled with fury.

  It took a tremendous effort not to wince at the ear piercing shrieks, while she ranted, he sipped from his glass, then placed it on the mantle when she finally finished. “I really don’t have to explain myself to you, Aunt, so there’s no use demanding that I do.”

  “You blackguard. Since it’s obvious you don’t treasure them I insist you hand them all over to me and I will take care of them.” Jane strode further into the room and glared hatefully at her nephew.

  The corner of his mouth turned up in amusement. “Why? So you can sell them off now you no longer draining the money from my purse. I don’t think so.”

  “Blast you, you’re a despicable cur. Where are they?” Jane so much wanted to strike her nephew for his disrespect and because she despised him so much.

  “My wife had everything packed up and put in the attic. There safe.” It was only a second or two before the word wife registered with the woman and as he predicted she went in to a rage.

  For a moment her mouth gaped open before she let out an outraged cry. “Wife! Your lying.”

  “No, I’m definitely not lying. I married the very night your son abducted my betrothed from her bed.” He just finished the explanation when his wife glided into the room, looking mouthwatering lovely and her eyes dancing brightly with mischief.

  “Heavens, Garth what’s all the screaming and screeching about? It sounds like a flock of nasty crows were let lose in here. I could hear it all the way upstairs. I pray our neighbors won’t be disturbed by the horrendous sound.” Laura stop several feet in the room then pretended to be surprised. “Oh, pardon me, Lady Brown I wasn’t aware you were here.”

  “Sorry you were troubled by the racked, sweetheart. My aunt’s a little upset that you packed away the heirlooms.” Garth fought not to laugh at the dumbfounded look on his aunt’s face and momentary lapse of venting her spleen.

  A f
rown creasing her brow, Laura strolled over to join her husband. “Oh, I thought all the stuff belonged to you.”

  Finally, Jane managed to shake off the shock. “You! So this is where you’ve been hiding yourself, you… you slattern. Just wait until I inform you father and aunt then we’ll see just how clever you are.”

  “I’m afraid you’ll be deprived the pleasure. You see they already know and are at the moment traveling to Ripon where they’ll be residing from now on in a nice, little, cozy cottage and living very frugally. You should also know that I have been speaking to my solicitor. Such a lovely, helpful man. He is drawing up writs for both your sons and your arrest for abduction and several other charges.” Laura was relishing this moment, since the day she met this odious woman she’d been degraded and ridiculed.

  Panic and fear consumed her, frantically Jane stared at the couple then screamed. “Noooooo. No, no, no. You won’t get away with this, you won’t. You can’t prove anything.”

  “Ah, but we can Aunt. You see we have several witness ready to testify. Might I suggest both you and Walter retire to the country and stay there? If you agree never to bother us again I’ll try to persuade my wife not to press charges against you.” Garth was savoring this moment and it was an enormous relief knowing he would never have to deal with these particular relatives ever again.

  Turning to her husband, Laura placed her hand on his arm and when he looked down at her, she winked. “I don’t know if I’m willing to let them off so easily. You know how terrified I was.”

  Garth pattered her hand. “I know it’s a lot to ask, sweetheart. But I was hoping you would do it for me and I’m sure you prefer not to cause a scandal.”