Cupid's Arrow Book One Bewitching The Earl Read online

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  Damn it to hell, there was those two annoying words again. “Ladies let’s get one thing straight I am neither kind nor sweet. What I’ve done and do is only sensible and practical nothing more.”

  Laura turned to Jenny and winked before she turned back to the earl and smiled. “If you say so, my Lord.”

  The humor in his fiancé’s eyes belied her words. He decided it was best not to pursue the conversation because he knew he’d probably lose his temper. Instead, for the rest of the ride he was contented to feast his eyes on his betrothed. He was pleased that he’d chosen the perfect gown for her.

  At the time he’d been unaware that he must have chosen it because of the color of her eyes. They changed from hazel, to blue, to green, depending on her moods. Just like the material of her gown transformed. She was also even lovelier than he expected and he’d been floored when he’d first gazed upon her.

  Hell, she was stunning and suddenly it hit him that she was his. This lovely creature before him was going to be his wife and they would spend the rest of their lives together. Lust so profound slammed into him just thinking about having her naked in his arms and making love to her for the rest of his days.

  It had been so abrupt it took his breath away; he scowled trying to remember if he’d been so struck with the desire in such shocking quickness before. Yet he couldn’t recall that it had even been so swift or so potent. His gaze dropped the top of her breasts and watched as they lifted and fell with each breath she took.

  When he started to grow aroused, he forced his gaze away and stared out the window. What was it about the chit that even when she was plain and dressed atrociously that he had desired her? Aye, it was those intoxicating kisses, but now seeing how utterly glorious she was, he was afraid he was becoming more addicted to her by the second.

  If he didn’t keep things in perspective he’d end up making a cake of himself and worse, he might even lose his heart. Damn it to hell, never would he allow such a foolish thing to happen. Never. That was it, he wasn’t about to let her bewitch him any further. He wasn’t about to let himself be trapped in the snare of the emotion called love.

  Now that he realized it could happen, he was now prepared to make certain it never did. A grim smile of confidence lifted the corners of his mouth, he was now ready to go into battle to keep his heart safe and locked away.

  Chapter Six

  Tired yet ecstatically happy, as she lie in bed, Laura couldn’t help thinking about the wonderful evening she had shared with the earl. She’d never felt so pretty or cared for. Garth had showered her with attention, proudly shown her off to his friends and being held in his powerful arms when they danced had made her delirious. She couldn’t stop thinking about those passionate kisses they had shared the evening before. Yet to her disappointment, he hadn’t tried to kiss her again.

  It confused her and made her doubt herself. Perhaps in truth he really didn’t desire her. After all, last night he thought he was kissing another woman and he was only marrying her because they were caught in a compromising situation and for no other reason other than that. It was desolating to admit the truth, but it was foolish to lie to herself.

  What did she feel for him though? Well, for a well-known rake, she liked him, he was kind, nice and sweet. Gentle and considerate. He was amusing and she found him terribly handsome. She also admitted she found him desirable, yet sometimes he frightened with the intensity in those black, wicked eyes when he stared at her.

  At those times she wondered what he was thinking, feeling, but she was too nervous to ask. Yawning, she wondered if once they were married if there was any chance that they might fall in love with each other. On that wish, she fell into a dreamless sleep.

  Frowning, Laura wondered why her bed was rocking, forcing herself to open her eyes, she blinked awake and gasping loudly, she scrambled to sit up. Terror filled her heart when she realized she was in a moving coach. In fear, she looked around and saw lord Brown perched in the corner on the opposite seat. “You! What is the meaning of this despicable deed? How dare you abduct me from my bed? Have completely lost you mind?” She demanded in outrage.

  With a sneer curving his mouth, Walter stood up and sat down beside her. “We are on our way to Greta Green. I was hoping you had been given enough of the drug so you slept all the way to the inn, where we’ll be stopping for the remainder of the evening so I could ravish you. But apparently the stupid twit I paid to drug your tea didn’t put enough of it in your drink.”

  “You’re insane, mad. You won’t get away with this.” Hearing what he done and what he planned to do, terrorized her and she had to find some way to escape. She looked passed his shoulder and saw that they were still in the elite part of London. She knew if she didn’t act quickly, she probably wouldn’t have another chance.

  “No, I’m desperate. I also have your father and aunt’s good wishes.” He smirked mockingly. “Now you’re are awake and we still have a long way to go, I don’t see why I should wait to ravish you. I’ve heard that making love in a moving coach can be quite stimulating.” Walter grabbed her roughly by the shoulders and yanked her forward.

  Sickened and horrified, in desperation she did the only thing she could think of, she managed to raise her hand, made a tight fist and punched him as hard as she could in the throat. When he let her go and chocked for air, she ignored her throbbing hand, she pounded on the roof.

  When the coach came to a sudden stop, she took a quick look at the fiend and saw that he was still struggling to breath. Without wasting another precious second, she scrambled for the door, threw it open and jumped down. Lifting the bottom of her nightgown, she fled into the night.

  She ran several blocks and when she didn’t hear any pursuit, she stopped. Bending over she tried to catch her breathe. Knowing she was still in grave danger not only from that despicable fiend, but also footpads and even the ton, she straightened up to get her bearings.

  The earl only lived another block away; he was her only choice of safety. Without hesitating, she started running again. When she reached the corner, she peeked around it and saw the street was empty. Breathing a sigh of relief, she quickly made a plan.

  Racing along the pavement, she flew through the gate and down the side of the house. Praying that someone in the house was still awake, she hurried to the kitchen door and banged on it several times before it was open. “Please I must see the earl.”

  “What the devil. Who the hell are you and why are you calling at this time of night dressed in you nightwear? If you think I’m going to let you in the house you — you jezebel your mistaken. Begone with you.” Thomas was livid.

  Though the butler’s anger was understandable, Laura wasn’t going to let him send her away. “Please, I’m the earl’s fiancé. I was kidnapped from my bed and was about to be ravished while I was being taken to Greta Green. I managed to escape and came here. You have to let me in and let me see him. Please.”

  Thomas heard the desperation in her voice and saw she was trembling like a leaf, he wondered if she was telling the truth. If she was his lordships fiancé and had been kidnapped, he’d lose his position if he didn’t let her in. Deciding he wanted to keep his job; he quickly removed his jacket and placed it around her shaking shoulders. “Come with me, miss and I’ll take you to lord Brookes. I hope you’re not lying to me, I’ll be very upset if you are.”

  “Thank you and I’m not lying, everything I said is the truth.” Relieved she let the butler assist her through the house and she heard Garth grumbled when they entered the study.

  “What now, Thomas?” Garth asked without even turning his head to the doorway.

  “My Lord, a young lady came to the back door in her nightgown begging me to let her in. She says she’s your fiancé and she was kidnapped. The brute was going to ravish her on the journey to Greta Green.” Thomas explained and quivered when his lordship bellowed and flew out of his chair.

  In on fluid motions, Garth on his feet and standing in front of his di
shabille bride. “My God it’s true.” He reached out and captured her trembling body in his hands. “A brandy and a blanket, Thomas and hurry.” Sweeping her up in his arms, he carried her over to the sofa, sat down and placed her on his knee. “You’re safe. Just relax I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  “Oh, Garth… it was so… so frightening… I… I couldn’t let him… I… I… punched… him… in the… in the throat.” Laura started weeping as she remembered ever second of the nightmare she’d just been through. She buried her face in his shirt and wept.

  “It’s alright, sweetheart. You’re safe now.” All he could do was let her weep and soothe her. When Thomas came back in, he grabbed the blanket wrapped it around her and held her tightly. When he heard the butler gasped, he looked up at the man and saw him staring down at something.

  Frowning, he followed the man’s gaze and he cursed violently when he saw the blood and cuts on her small feet. “Fetch a bowl of warm water and a cloth.”

  “I’ll bring some ointment to, my Lord.” Thomas placed the brandy on the table before he hurried from the room.

  For the very first time in his life, rage so powerful throbbed inside him. Never before did he ever want to kill someone until now. He knew without being told who had kidnapped his bride. Walter. His cousin as of now was a walking dead man.

  Feeling safe and secure, Laura stopped crying and lifted her head. “I’m sorry I wept all over you.”

  Giving her a tender smile, he stroked his hand down the length of her wild, untidy mahogany hair. “You have good reason to weep. If you feel up to it would you like to tell me what happened?”

  “No one was home when you left me there. I thought nothing of it so went up to bed. I went to sleep, but something woke me and I found myself in a moving coach. It was then I saw lord Brown. He explained that he had my aunt and father’s permission to kidnap me and take me to Greta Green. Along the way, he planned to stop at an inn and ravish me, but apparently whoever he paid in my household to drug me didn’t give me enough and I woke up to soon. Since I was awake he saw no reason not do it then.” She closed her eyes as she remembered what happened next. “When he grabbed hold of me I made a fist and hit him in the throat. While he was gasping for air, I banged on the roof and when the coach stopped, I jumped out and ran. I knew you lived close so I came here.”

  “You were very brave and I’m proud of you. Walter will pay for his crime I give you my word. You’ll have to stay here. You can’t go home; it’s not safe for you.” He gently caressed a finger down the side of her face and when she laid he cheek on his chest emotions he’d never experienced stirred inside him.

  “It’s going to cause a scandal, but I don’t care.” At the moment she didn’t care about anything except that she was safe and being held so tenderly in the earl’s powerful arms.

  “Here’s Thomas. Let’s wash your injured feet and then I’ll tuck you up in bed.” He picked her up and placed her down on the sofa beside him. He slipped off the cushion and onto his knees. Gently he picked up her bloody, delicate foot and studied the damage.

  “My Lord, the bedchamber beside your own is prepared.” Thomas said as he placed the bowl, cloth and ointment on the table.

  “Thank you, Thomas. You may lock up and retire for the evening.” Garth said as he dipped the clothing in the water and tenderly began to clean her foot.

  “My Lord, if I may be so bold. I would suggest you wed your fiancé tonight. When the kidnapping plot has been discovered that it has failed her family could cause all sorts of trouble and rumors.” Thomas anxiously wrung his hands together hoping he hadn’t angered his lordship by voicing his opinion.

  Gath stopped what he was doing and looked up at his butler in amazement, then grinned. “Why, Thomas that’s a splendid idea. I should have thought of it myself. No wonder I put up with your interfering in my life.” He turned to his fiancé who was staring with wide-eyed shock and winked at her. “For a servant, Thomas has the habit of always telling me if I’m doing something wrong or taking me to task.” He turned to his butler who was beaming. “Isn’t that true, Thomas.”

  “Well, someone has to take care of you, my Lord. Now I hope you won’t be offended, my Lady, but I cannot allow you to wear that atrocious nightgown to your wedding. All I could find you to wear was one of the maid’s gowns. It’s pretty enough. I left it on the bed along with some footwear. If you don’t mind my Lord I will wait up until you return with your bride then retire?” Seeing his lordships approval, Thomas beamed.

  “Obliged, Thomas and thank you.” Garth turned back and tended to her feet. When he finished, he swept her up in his arms, carried her upstairs to the bedchamber beside his own and placed her down on the bed. When the blanket and Thomas’s jacket fell away, he chuckled. “My butler was right; it certainly is an ugly nightgown. Good Lord, couldn’t your aunt even let you wear something decent to bed or at least white?”

  With a grimace, Laura shrugged her shoulders. “I’m to wicked and sinful to wear white.”

  He looked at her incredulously. “What in the hell does that mean?”

  “Well, I sometimes don’t obey my aunt or father. I like to ride astride and wear pants when I do. I get into mischief and I’m an embarrassment. Oh, and let’s not forget I have the genes of a hussy and if I’m not careful and not dress demurely I’ll turn into a strumpet.” She could see she had shocked the earl and covered her mouth to smother her giggle, but she failed.

  With a shake of his head in disbelief, he couldn’t believe she thought it was a laughing matter. “I don’t see anything amusing about it. Your aunt and father should be taken out and horsewhipped. You certainly don’t have the bloody genes of a hussy and dressing in pretty gowns won’t make you a strumpet. No one obeys every dictate and you’re definitely not an embarrassment. As for mischief, well.” He shrugged, not certain what to say about that. “Being mischievous — well.” He scowled when he couldn’t think of anything so decided not to go into detail. “As for riding astride and wearing pants, now that might cause a few tongues to wag. Most young ladies would swoon if it was suggested to them. Over all, sweetheart, everything they’ve accused you of is a pack of lies. They only wanted to belittle you and destroy your confidence.”

  “Thank you for saying so. I never believed it anyway. I know what I am and who I am. I know what I can and cannot do. There constant belittling me never bothered me and I rarely took any notice. It’s only when they insult my mother that makes me angry.” Her mouth turned up in a teasing smile. “My Lord, you don’t have any idea what mischievous means do you? You were struggling to find an excuse.”

  “Garth, remember. I can only assume it means causing trouble.” He answered warily, hell, the last thing he wanted in his routine, peaceful life was disorder, but his gut told him once he wed his fiancé chaos was about to explode in his face.

  With a nod of her head, she watched his reaction. “Yes and no. It’s harmless trouble though. It can also be exciting and fun.” Her eyes widened when he groaned in horror.

  What she just described sent shudders through him; he tried to hide his reaction and coughed. “I’ll leave you to change. If you need help I’ll have Thomas wake one of the maids.”

  “No, I’m sure I’ll be fine.” She was having trouble not laughing, poor Garth looked absolutely panicked.

  Bending over his brushed his lips on her brow, straightening up, he strode to the connecting door, opened it and entered his own bedchamber closing it behind him. He closed his eyes and tried not to picture the destruction of his well-ordered life. So much for his well-mannered, quiet, biddable bride he imagined he was marrying.

  It sounded as if he was going to enter his worst nightmare and it was about to become true. Worse, there wasn’t anything he could do at the moment to save himself. Especially after what had happened to her tonight. Rage swelled through him just imagining the terror she must have been living.

  Never before had he ever felt so protective of a woman befo
re, all he had wanted to do was shield her and keep her safe. When she had started crying, it had ripped at his guts and he hadn’t liked seeing her so distraught. He’d felt so damn useless and inadequate not knowing how to make her stop weeping.

  Even though she had a right to her tears after the nightmare she’d just been through, he swore then that if anyone else ever made her cry again, he’d shoot them between the eyes. Bloody oath he would. No one would be allowed to ever upset his wife ever again.

  Chapter Seven

  On their way back to Garth’s residence after the brief wedding ceremony, no it was her home to, Laura wilted from exhaustion. The last few hours had been traumatic and had taken their toll on her. She closed her eyes and rested the side of her head on her husband’s shoulder. Husband! Sweet mercy, had they truly just married and were now husband and wife. She found it nearly impossible to believe. The whole evening had been like a dream, until she woke up in a nightmare and now it was like a dream again.

  So many things had happened in the space of a few hours. Garth had purchased her a lovely evening gown and told she looked stunning. She had felt beautiful for the first time in her life when he had stared at her with such open admiration and she’d heard the pride in his voice when he’d introduced her to his friends.

  Her euphoric bubble had burst when she woke up in the coach and realized she had been drugged and kidnapped. Right now though, she had no idea what she was feeling except that she was safe. A small smile of disbelief tipped the corners of her mouth, she’d just been secretly married in a maids borrowed gown and shoes.

  The surprised look on the judge’s face had been amusing, since he was dressed in his white nightshirt and brown robe, with his sleeping cap. Yet once Garth explained the circumstances, any protest the man might have made was halted. She wondered though how they were going to explain about their sudden marriage to everyone.