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The Laird's Kidnapped Bride Page 6
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Page 6
“Aye, porridge and scones. Ye look bonny in my plaid and shirt, lass.” He grinned at the fulminating glare she sent him.
“Ye blockhead, I had nae choice.” She grumbled before she turned to the maid and thanked her for her meal.
“Never fear, sweeting. I have already got the women sewing some gowns for ye plus yer wedding finery. Perhaps a few of the dresses will be ready today.”
She swung her head to stare at him in amazement. She didn’t know whether to be grateful or furious over his highhandedness. Seeing his contented smile, she turned away and for a few seconds she nibbled on her bottom lip as she thought about it. Letting out a heavy sigh, she returned her attention back to him. “Thank ye.”
“Yer most welcome, lass. Och, and by the way, ye can keep the coin ye borrowed. Ye might want to use it to purchase something from the merchants when they come.” He watched her face turn red and she started to splutter.
Och, this was mortifying. Her face was burning with shame. “I…I…um…I thought if I escaped, I could use it to stay at an inn,” she mumbled. She couldn’t look him in the eye, she was so disgraced over her behavior. Reluctantly, she forced herself to meet his gaze when he gently patted her arm.
“Dinna let yerself fret over it, lass. Explain to me why ye were going to stay at an inn instead of going home.” His voice was quiet; he was curious to hear her answer.
Her lashes swept down. “I didn’t want to return and be forced to marry that odious man. I thought if I stayed away longer, he would back out of the arrangement.”
“Harrumph. Well, ye willna be marrying him or anyone else, but it pleases me that ye didna want to.”
Her mouth puckered but she didn’t say anything, simply kept on eating. She flew backwards when he leant over and sniffed her. “What in the blue blaze are ye doin’ ye lackwit?”
He scowled at her. “Ye have had yer bath, lass, but ye dinna smell as sweet as ye did when ye first arrived.”
Unbelievable! The man was a complete imbecile! She shook her head and rolled her eyes. “’Tis the soap, ye scatterbrained moron. Mine is made with lavender and roses.”
His scowl grew heavier. “Lavender we have aplenty, the land is filled with it, but we dinna waste our time growing roses when they willna fill our bellies.” He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “Ye’ll have to find something else to take their place.”
Och, for the love of God, she couldn’t believe that he was displeased that she didn’t smell the same. “I’ll do nae such thing, ye muckleheaded oaf.”
“Aye, ye will. Ye willna defy me in this, lass. Finish yer food, then I will take ye outside to look around yer new home.” He grumbled in dissatisfaction before he started to eat.
Ooo, she wanted to argue back but refused to utter a word. She ate the last mouthful of her scone and rose to her feet. “Well, let’s go, then.” She didn’t like the idea of spending time in his company, but she doubted he would let her refuse.
Muttering under his breath, he stood up and grasped her arm. “Ye may roam around the keep, but ye willna be allowed out the gates,” he explained as he led her across the hall and outside.
“Why am I nae allowed out? Am I going to be kept prisoner?” she asked, outraged. She detested the thought of being locked up.
“Nay, ye’re nae prisoner, but I’m takin’ nae chance with ye, lass. Ye’re a sly little puss, and I willna lose ye a second time.”
Not at all surprised by his answer, she let him show her around the grounds. They were at the clansmen’s cottages when it started to drizzle and he hurried her back to the hall. She had to run to keep up with the great lummox, and she didn’t understand why they had to return home. Breathlessly, she stood panting in the middle of the great room.
“Seat yerself by the fire, lass and I’ll see ye have a hot drink to warm ye up before ye become ill,” he told her, and once she sat in the chair, he hurried off.
What was wrong with the blasted fool? Did he think that a little water would harm her? Her mouth tightened in a mutinous line. She might be small, but she wasn’t breakable and was extremely healthy. She snorted. Addle-brained dolt! Within minutes, he was back by her side handing her a mug of hot tea. Reluctantly she accepted it.
“I have duties to see to, lass. I will see ye at supper.”
Again she watched him walk away and was grateful he was going. It would, hopefully, give her time to work out what she was going to do with herself. Obviously there wasn’t any way to escape, so she might as well forget it even though it galled her to do so. She could refuse to wed him, but it sickened her to dishonor the contract that had been made. She was loathe to accept it, because it meant becoming his wife and being stuck here in the wilds of the Highlands forever. It was a deplorable thought, having to live out her life here with no dinner parties and no balls. A despondent sigh rolled out of her and her shoulders sagged. If she was going to keep her pride and integrity, she would have to marry the stinking rogue. There was simply no other choice.
The day almost over, the gloomy sky heavy with black rain clouds, Cameron entered the hall eager to see the lass. Shaking the water from his hair, he went down the steps and searched the great room. When he didn’t find his bride where he had left her, he scowled. Grumbling under his breath about wee obstinate wenches, his gaze swept the room. His eyebrows shot up and a big grin spread over his face when he saw Father Ryan seated at one of the tables. He hurried forward to greet the man. “Father, ‘tis pleased I am that ye have arrived early,” and he truly was. He was, in fact, overjoyed that he could now wed his betrothed this very night.
“I was in the area, so it only made sense. Has yer betrothed arrived yet?” The priest rose to his feet.
“Aye, she has. She must be upstairs. I wish us to be wed tonight.” He bit back a curse when the priest hesitated.
Father Ryan rubbed at his ear as he thought the matter over. “Mmm. I canna see any problem wi’ that, since the banns have already been read. Is the lass agreeable to it?”
Unable to look the father in the eye while he lied to the man, he turned his gaze up to the ceiling. “Aye, she’s willing. Why dinna ye eat, drink and rest, father, while I speak to my betrothed.” Not waiting for a reply, he hurried over to the staircase and rushed up the steps. Hell, how was he going to persuade the wee hoyden to marry him this very eve? She would probably spit in his eye when he informed her. He reached his chamber door and, throwing it open, he found her standing in the middle of the room, holding a golden gown against her. He closed the door and stepped closer. “’Tis a verra bonny dress.”
“Aye, the women did a fine job with the gowns.” She answered warily because she didn’t like the determined glint in his eyes.
He cleared his throat and laced his fingers together behind his back. “Father Ryan has arrived and will wed us tonight.”
The gown fell from her hands and Lark could only stare up at him in panic. “He’s here now? This isn’t some sort of trick, is it? Ye havena dressed someone up to play him, have ye?” she squeaked.
Cameron worked hard to keep his voice calm, quiet. “Aye, he is here. For the love of God, ‘tis nae trick, woman. The man is a real priest, I give ye my oath. May God strike me dead right in this very spot if I lie to ye . Now, lass, what I want to ken is will ye honor the contract our fathers agreed upon?” He couldn’t believe she had come up with such an unbelievable idea, but he really shouldn’t have been surprised. Her mind worked in the most odd ways.
Her lashes lowered and she wrung her hands together. She drew in a trembling breath, then, as she exhaled, her shoulders sagged in defeat. “I canna disgrace m’self or my family. Aye, ye sniveling goat, I will wed ye.”
Relief washed through him and he grinned. Reaching out, he placed one hand on her shoulder and, with a finger beneath her chin, tilted her head up to face him. His gaze went straight to her lush mouth as he drew her closer and bent his head. “Ye willna regret it, lass and I’m glad ye have agreed to be my
wife.” Before she could answer, his mouth covered hers lightly, his lips played over hers, and when she melted against him, his arms swept around her, pressing her closer. Though he desperately wanted to deepen the kiss, if he did, he knew he would probably lose what little control remained. Reluctantly he lifted his head and was pleased to see the look of wonder on her lovely face. “I will leave ye to dress in yer wedding finery.” His fingers trailed down her cheek before he let her go and stepped away. “Dinna be long, sweeting.”
His chest expanded with happiness as he strode over to the line of trunks and bending down, he opened one of the lids and extracted the clothing he would wear for the ceremony. Straightening up, he swung around to find her still a little dazed. “I shall dress in another chamber,” he informed her as he moved to stand beside her. His head lowered and he brushed his lips against her smooth cheek. A light blush covered her exquisite face and he knew if he didn’t leave now, he would throw her on the bed, toss up her skirts and skewer her in the blink of an eye. Because the lust had him in its grip so strongly, it was taking his every effort to fight it. He forced his legs to move, and opening the door, he stepped outside, closing it behind him.
In a rush to have the marriage done with, he strode to the top of the staircase and called orders down to one of the servants. He ordered baths for himself and his betrothed. Ordered a feast for supper tonight and told them to inform the clan that he would be married this very eve and he expected them all to be in the hall to witness it. Grunting in satisfaction, he went into an empty chamber and placed his clothing down on the bed. He stroked his beard thoughtfully. He wanted to look his best for his wee bride. Mayhap a shave and a haircut would please her, he certainly dinna want to scrape her tender flesh with facial hair. He wanted everything perfect for the evening and decided it would be worth the effort.
Totally stunned from the kiss, Lark couldn’t understand all the strange feelings rushing through her. The moment his mouth touched hers, a spark went off inside her. It was experiencing the sensations of her blood racing through her veins and the tingling of her flesh that made her blink several times in wonder. Only when the door had closed behind him did she raise her hand and place her fingers against her still-sensitive lips. She blinked again in confusion. What had happened to her, she wondered? Why hadn’t she protested? She didn’t understand why she enjoyed it so much when she could barely stand the big louse. Irritated with herself, she dropped her hand and stamped her foot in annoyance. Then she drooped in resignation.
Panic started to seize hold of her when she realized that by the end of the evening, he would be demanding his rights as her husband and there would be nothing she could do to stop him. She shuddered as she imagined all the horror and pain she would have to suffer through. Her mother had explained that it was a dirty, messy business. That it would hurt terribly and that she should lie still and recite her favorite prayer until the disgusting act was over. She was also told that her husband wouldn’t force himself on her too often, because he would have a doxy to take care of his perverted needs, and once she was with child he wouldn’t bother her again. Her stomach churned and she wondered how she was going to bear it all.
She wrapped her arms around herself and bowed her head. The kiss they had shared wasn’t the least bit disgusting; in fact she enjoyed it very much. Mayhap if she was a little sotted, she could get through the bedding without losing her mind. Aye, it sounded like the perfect idea to her. If she was lucky, she might fall pregnant straight away and he would leave her alone. A furious scowl pulled her brows together at the thought of another woman servicing him. Nay, never would she put up with an unfaithful husband. He would have to be satisfied with just her. If he wasn’t, she would skin him alive. Her teeth sunk into her bottom lip and she wondered how many times she would have suffer the act. Once a week, twice? Heaven help her, every night? She already knew he was a lusty beast.
Merciful Lord! How was she ever going to bear it – or survive? She trembled just thinking about it. The color drained from her face when she remembered that there would be witnesses the first time to make certain she was still a maiden on her wedding night. She wouldn’t be able to stand the humiliation of performing such a vile act in front of strangers. Nay, she could not do it. She would refuse to co-operate. If he intended to have spectators to the deplorable bedding, he could think again. Never would she debase herself in such a manner. He had rats taking up residence in his brain if he thought for one moment she’d agree to such a thing. She jumped when someone rapped loudly on the door. “Enter,” she called out and watched a dozen servants rush into the chamber.
The ordeal was about to begin, and it was far too late now to change her mind. All she could do was pray that she would live through the night and wake up in the morning with her mind still intact, not raving like a lunatic. In a stupor, she let the maids wash her, do her hair and dress her in her wedding finery. When it was all over, she dismissed them and stood staring down into the fire. Wringing her hands together, she tried to summon up her courage to face the nightmare ahead of her. She could not let anyone see how truly scared she was. Her pride wouldn’t let her. I can do this, I can. Squaring her shoulders, she dropped her hands and thrust her chin in the air. She was no simpering miss to cower away up here.
With her gumption back, she twisted around, marched over the door and swung it open before she could lose her nerve. She left the chamber and, with as much dignity she could muster, glided down the staircase. When she stepped into the hall, she blinked twice to find it crowded with every member of the clan. Young and old were here to witness their laird marrying. She swallowed past the nervous lump blocking her throat and on trembling legs, walked slowly forward. She frowned when she couldn’t find the odious beast she was about to commit herself to for a lifetime. Her brow crinkled as her gaze swept over the tall, broad-shouldered man standing in front of the table. Her heart fluttered in her chest over his handsomeness. Oh, my, he takes my breath away. She wanted to weep over the fact that she would not be taking this mouthwatering man as her husband.
When she finally reached him, she tilted her head back and smiled. “Good eve, sir.”
“Yer a sight to behold, sweeting.” Cameron’s knees nearly buckled at the beautiful sight she made.
A confused frown tugged at her brow, the deep voice was so familiar to her but she shook her head in denial. Nay, it couldn’t be possible, it was a foolish thought. “Pray tell, sir, have ye by chance seen my betrothed?” The booming laughter filled the hall and she stiffened in annoyance, “ye’re a very rude man, sir. Now I demand ye tell me what ye’ve done with the blasted oaf I am to wed?”
He reached for her hand and squeezed it lightly. “Tis I, sweeting. Cameron, laird of the McClouds and yer future husband.”
Her skeptical eyes went wide and her mouth dropped open as she leaned closer to stare at the handsome face. Her gaze lingered on high, stark cheekbones, the straight, sharp nose and a sensually curved, full-lipped mouth. His chin was square with a dimple in the middle. Aye, he was a striking devil, all right. She met his humorous regard and stayed annoyed. “Yer still a brainless dullard and will be most likely back to stinking within the day.” She turned away and asked a maid to bring her a cup of wine. She could barely believe that this gorgeous male was the same smelly brute she had met only days ago. Just looking at him made her heart race.
“After ye finish yer drink, we will begin the ceremony.” He was clearly enjoying seeing how flustered she was. For him, it had been worth all the effort to see the appreciation in her lovely eyes.
Grateful when the maid returned, she thanked the lass and requested another. She whipped back to the man beside her and glared at him. “Tis nae need to rush things. We have all evening.”
“I see nae reason to delay the wedding.” He tipped his shoulder and watched in amazement as she swallowed the wine down in one long swallow.
Her eyes watering, she placed the empty goblet on the t
able and picked up the full cup. “I have a request to make?” She was too nervous to meet his gaze and sipped her wine.
“Aye, I am listening.”
She leaned a little closer and dropped her voice. “When it comes time for the bedding, I ask ye that it will be done in private, without strangers watching.”
He had to bend down to hear what she whispered in a trembling voice, but when she had finished, his head shot up and he could only stare at her bent head. “Have nae fear on that, sweeting. When I make ye my wife in every sense, nae one else will be there but you and me.”
Thank ye, thank ye, thank ye. She peeked at him from beneath her lashes and wondered if she could wring another request out of him. She decided it was worth a try. “I also ask of ye if ye mayhap would be willing to wait to consummate our union until we are better acquainted?”
“Nay, dearling, that I willna agree to. We will have plenty of time to get to know each other afterwards. I promise, ye have nae to fear, and I swear on my oath, ye will be well-satisfied.” He plucked the half-full cup out of her hand and placed it on the table. Curling his fingers around hers, he led her to where Father Ryan was waiting for them.
What in tarnation did he mean, she would be satisfied? She hadn’t held much hope that he would be agreeable, but she had to try. She let out a loud sigh of resignation. When they stood in front of the priest, she started to shake. She heard the rogue beside her speak his vows in a loud, clear voice. When it came to her turn she listened intently. Her mouth pinched as she considered the promises she was asked to agree to. Love, honor and obey were the ones that bothered her the most. She couldn’t lie to God or the father; she was sure to burn in hell if she did. Her foot started tapping beneath her gown as she pondered the matter.
A smile lifted the corners of her mouth when she had it all worked out. “Father, t’would be a sin to swear to something I canna do. My husband will have to prove to me that he is worth honoring. As for love, well, that might nae be possible. After all, Father, look who I am marrying. Obeying, well I have nae been verra good at that. ‘Tis a flaw in me, ye ken. So I canna give my oath to any of them. But the rest,” she waved her hand in the air, “that I can swear to. If the great fool sickens, I’ll take care of him. For better or worse, well, it couldna get any worse than this, now, could it? As for wealth, well, I’ll kick him in the backside for nae providing for me and for being lazy.”