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Cupid's Arrow Book One Bewitching The Earl Page 9

  Looking up from his soup, Garth smiled. “Yes, I intend to make an appearance at several gathering. I want everyone to know your missing and I have people out searching for you.”

  “I see and while you’re out enjoying yourself I’m forced to stay at home alone.” She wasn’t at all happy that he was going out without her. Yet if she was reasonable, it made perfect sense. Still she wasn’t certain she could trust him not to dally with some available female.

  Studying her expression down the length of the long table, he could she had worked her way up in to a snit and he sighed. He knew when he made the decision to go out she would probably be upset at the prospect, but he had no intentions of changing his mind. “I know it’s unfair, but you know the reason why you have to stay hidden. If I could, I would change the situation yet we both know it’s impossible. I promise not to be out long and I’ll be home before you can miss me.”

  Blast it all, everything he said was true and made sense still it was irritating. “I still don’t like it. Just what am I meant to do with myself?”

  “Read, needlepoint I don’t know. I’m sure you’ll find something to amuse you the short time I’m gone.” He shrugged his wide shoulders.

  Dissatisfied, she picked up her spoon and resumed her meal. Her second night of marriage and he was abandoning her. She wondered if this was a sign of their future together. If it was, she wasn’t going to stand for it. For now, though she had no choice but accept that he would be going out alone. When this was all over she wasn’t about to sit at home while he went off and enjoyed himself.

  The silent, uncomfortable three-course meal seemed to drag on and take forever. This was yet another thing she was unwilling to accept and it was the last time she was going to sit at this table and be ignored. Irritated she tossed down her napkin and rose to her feet. Without a word to her husband, she left him staring after her with a dark frown on his brow. To blasted bad if he was irritated with her. Wandering into the large parlor, she grimaced.

  It was unbelievable just how much stuff was crowded into one room. Everywhere she looked there were vases, so many porcelain knickknacks and other frippery’s, it must take the poor maid’s days to dust everything. There were also several different types of chairs and furniture from different eras. Some looked comfortable, others ugly and a few looked so delicate and spindly, even she would be too frightened to sit on them.

  An idea started to develop and take hold. Why not, her husband told her to find something to amuse herself and that’s exactly what she was going to do. When she heard the heavy approaching footsteps, she turned around just as her husband entered the room. “I suppose you’ll be leaving now.”

  Reaching his bride, he placed his hands on her arms and drew her close. “I promise I won’t be long. Try to miss me when I’m gone.” Dipping his head his lips brushed over hers, but it wasn’t enough, he drew her up flush against him until her body molded against his and deepened the kiss. Before he could totally lose himself, he pulled away, his breathing harsh he let her go. “I’ll only be a few hours.” He reminded her before he turned and left.

  Her knees warbling, she grasped hold of the chair beside her, it was annoying that just by one kiss he could make her lose her senses and crave more of his intoxicating kisses. She shook herself together when she heard the front door close. As she watched the butler walk by she called out to him. “Thomas please gather some servants together. I’m going to make some changes to this room and the library as well.”

  “But my Lady, his lordship detests changes.” Thomas wrung his hands together yet he knew there was little he could if her mind was set.

  With a dismissive shrug at the warning, she smiled. “When we were married he must expect that nothing would remain the same. Besides he told me to find something to do.”

  With a long-suffering sigh, Thomas nodded. “Very well, I’ll fetch the servants.”

  Perhaps her husband wouldn’t like her making changes, still it was now her home and if she wanted to make changes there was no reason why she shouldn’t. Besides the whole house was filled with things of the past and it was time the place was dragged into the future. There was also the fact that she couldn’t bear to live with so much clutter. For now, she would have it stored away in the attic and later she would go through it with her husband and decided what to keep, sell or give away.

  When a dozen servants arrived, she issued instructions and everyone went to work. She pointed out items she wanted removed, wrapped and put up in the attic. It had taken three hours and she was pleased with the result both in the parlor and library. Now that there wasn’t so many items crammed into the room it looked brighter and more spacious. Surely her husband would also be pleased with the result.

  Leaving the parlor, she wandered down the hallway to the library and nodded. She had set up two desks and chairs near the fireplace. It would do for her office until she found another room more suitable. Now that all the frippery had been removed, it felt more comfortable and relaxing. More suitable to curl up and read instead of worrying about knocking some priceless object over.

  When the clock the eleventh hour, she hurried upstairs to her waiting bath. She prayed she had enough time before her husband returned. The last thing she wanted was to be caught naked in the tub. She quickly stripped off her blouse, skirt and the rest of her garments and sank beneath the water. Leaning her head back, she closed her eyes. She hoped Mister Peabody would call with good news soon. She didn’t want to stay cooped up in the house to long.

  There was also the matter of her inheritance; it was going to take her sometime to go through all the account books from each property. She wanted to go through them all and learn everything, she also wanted to discover just how much her father and aunt had stolen from her. Her mouth tightened in a furious line when she thought of just how long they had been lying to her.

  Well, they were certainly going to pay dearly for it now, yet she didn’t feel an ounce of remorse and why should she? Especially after all the years of mental abuse, constant ridicule and there latest transgression of trying to force her to wed a despicable man who would share in stealing her inheritance. There was also their plan to kidnap her and forced to be intimate with her abductor. Really, all of them should be behind bars, but it would cause too much of a scandal.

  Panic suddenly struck when she heard the door whoosh open, her eyes flew open and she gasped aloud when she saw her husband standing in the doorway. The ravenous heat in his eyes burned her from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. She sank deeper beneath the water. “I would like some privacy while I finish my bath.”

  Caught by surprise at finding his wife bathing, for a few moments Garth was struck dumb. Her whispered demand though cleared his lustful thoughts. Leaning against the doorframe, he loosened his cravat and started undoing the buttons on his vest. “There’s no privacy between husband and wife.”

  “Is it your intention to humiliate me?” She asked in a querulous voice and tried not to blush at the blatant hunger glowing in his wicked eyes.

  A chuckle of amusement rumbling his chest, he sauntered into the room, he stopped by the chair, he removed his evening jacket and vest tossing them on the seat. Next, he whipped of his cravat and dropped it on top of the garments. His eyes feasting on his wife, he started undoing the pearl study on his shirt. “Humiliate you? No,” he shook his head and smiled roguishly. “It’s the very last thing on my mind I can assure you, sweetheart.”

  Fear and excitement warred inside her; she swallowed nervously as her gaze glued to his long fingers as his shirt slowly parted revealing an expanse of his wide, muscular chest. “Please… ah, let me finish my bath.”

  Before he answered her, he shrugged out of his shirt and tossed it on the chair before he bent over and removed his shoes and stockings. Straightening up, he slowly walked over to the tub and squatted down, his gaze never leaving hers. Though he was more than tempted to find out what delights he would find with his eyes and hands ben
eath the water, he managed to refrain himself. “It’s a pity the tub isn’t big enough for two. I’ll have to purchase one tomorrow.” When she ducked her head, he lifted it back up with a finger beneath her chin. “Instead of leaving why don’t I help you finish bathing?”

  “Nnno… thththank you. I’m quite capable of doing it on my own.” Desperately she searched for an escape.

  Ignoring her reply, he picked up the flannel dipped it in the water and soaped it up. “Relax I’m not going to bite you.” He teased and just as he was about to glide the soapy clothe along her delicate shoulder, she shot up out of the water. Taken by surprise, he leaned back and drank in every glorious inch of her. Water sluiced off her delicate curves, leaving droplets behind and he’d never seen anything more seductive or glorious. The object in his hand fell to the floor and with a growl filled with lust strangling in his throat, he surged to his feet. He reached for her and wrapped an arm around her waist.

  Effortlessly he lifted her out of the tub and when every wet inch was plastered against him, he moaned just before his mouth covered hers. His fingers buried in her hair as he kissed with potent, hunger and need. His discipline fled when she began to kiss him back with unskilled eagerness that only heightened his pleasure.

  Only wanting to taste more of her sinful essence, he tore his mouth from her and kissed along her jaw line and down the length of her throat. When she whimpered a protest, he lifted his head and met her gaze filled with heated desire and a little fear. Seeing she was still frightened was enough to bring him under control. Dipping his head, he caught her mouth in a long, lingering kiss as he carried her over to the bed.

  Keeping her in his arms he tumbled onto the mattress, he slowly deepened the kiss. He had to remind himself that this was her first time and she was a virgin. If he lost command over himself again, he probably truly frighten her. Having her naked sprawled on top of him only intensified his lust for her, but he kept a tight rein on it and with long, slow soothing strokes over her silken back the fear slowly ebbed from her body.

  When her tongue began tangling with his, he reached down and cupped her bottom pressing her more firmly against the rigid of his swollen, throbbing member. Hearing her moan, he rolled them over, half blanketing her, his hand swept up and closed around her breast. He rubbed his thumb back and forth against the already tight nipple.

  As he continued to kiss her, his fingers and hands began to explore her sensual, feminine curves. Everywhere he touched, she reacted with eagerness, her delicate frame twisted and ached begging for more. He could feel his discipline deserting him and it took an extreme effort not to just let go. With a growl, he ended the kiss and his lips caressed down the length of her throat and captured the nipple in his mouth.

  Her cry of pleasure rang around the room and the final straw that broke his restraint was when she bucked beneath him and grasped his hair holding his head in place. Hunger so potent and fierce consumed him. Desperate to be inside her, he slid his hand down between their bodies. His fingers threaded through the soft thatch of curls meeting her damp womanly folds and his fingers delved between them.

  A groan rumbled in his chest discovering just how dripping wet she was with her own arousal. Though he wanted to plunge himself inside her, he forced himself to prepare her for his invasion. Only when she started moving frantically beneath him, her whimpers and moans told him she was ready to accept him did he lift himself up. Before she had time to come to her senses, he quickly disposed of his trousers and settled between her thighs.

  With his heart beating painfully in his chest, he stared down at her flushed cheeks and swollen mouth for a moment or two. When her lashes start to lift, he kissed her with such passion that she all but melted. He slid his aching erection inside her tight, damp passage and in the back of his mind, he knew his life would never be the same again.

  Slowly, he and making certain that she stretched to accommodate him, he sank a little deeper. It was the most excruciating and yet the most pleasurable experience. No matter how desperate he was to sink deep, he stopped when he reached the barrier. Lifting his mouth from hers, he lightly caressed her cheek. He smiled tenderly when her eyes opened and her gaze met his, it was filled with slumbering hunger.

  The look in those eyes was his undoing, with a raw animal groan, he slammed his mouth down on hers and with a thrust of his hips, he drove passed the barrier and was full buried. He thought he’d died and gone to heaven. Never had he ever been anything so snug and tight. She clamped around him so firmly yet it was a silken prison that held him. When she whimpered, his head shot up and he stared down at her in concern. “It’s going to be alright, the worst is over and now there’s only pleasure.” When he saw her hesitant nod, he breathed a sigh of relief.

  This time when he kissed her it was with tenderness and when she started to wriggle beneath him, he started to glide in and out of her. It was sheer torture holding himself back, but he didn’t want to hurt her or making it painful for her. Tossing up his head, he clenched his jaw as he kept up the steady rhythm. Only when she started straining did he sweep an arm under her and showed her how to respond. The quickness she learnt to his breath away and he was powerless to stop his response.

  With deep strokes he began to pump his hips, he could feel his own release building swiftly and before it consumed him, he dropped his head his mouth hovering just above hers. “Let go, don’t hold back. I want you with me all the way.” He murmured before he kissed long and hungrily she reacted instantly. She clamped tightly around him, thrashed up her hips and shuddered, he caught her wild cry in his mouth as she reached her climax. While it was still quivering along her passage, his own release shuddered through him.

  It consumed him completely, it was so powerful, so intense that it left him reeling. Drained of strength, he collapsed lightly on his wife and shuddered. His chest rattled with each ragged breath and his heart felt as if it was going to rip from his chest. Never in all his memory could he recall ever experience such and overwhelming, potent climax before. He froze when his wife groaned; quickly he rolled off her and gathered her up in his arms.

  Resting his cheek against the top of her head, he was still reeling from the most potent climax he’d ever experienced. Well damn me, I never expected to lose myself so completely or share so much of myself. It horrified him that all the shields he had built up around him had tumbled to the ground so swiftly. He felt raw, bare and now he needed to quickly restore the barriers back up. Be damned if he’d leave himself wide open and exposed.

  Next time they made love he wouldn’t allow it to happen a second time, but hell, it was the best sex he’d ever had and he couldn’t wait to do it again. Even just thinking about making love to his wife, he started to grow aroused. A dopey grin tipped the corners of his mouth and closing his eyes, he thought about all the intimate years he would share with Laura. Marriage might not be so bad after all.

  Chapter Twelve

  To stunned to speak and still unable to believe just how much blissful pleasure had swallowed her up, Laura didn’t know whether she wanted to burst into tears or laugh in sheer joy. Never in all her imagination had she ever consider just how enjoyable the intimate act could be. Her aunt had told her it was painful, degrading and messy. Now she realized it had only one more lie of many. She had found it a thing of beauty and from the moment her husband dragged her into his arms she’d been completely lost. From the very first ravenous kiss, desire had burst inside her like a thousand volts of lightening streaking through her. It had never entered her mind to pull out of her his embrace her to stop him.

  The sensual journey he had taken her on was so rhapsodist that she abandon herself restraint. It was no wonder men wanted to this all the time, she gave a slight shake of her head and smiled whimsically. Perhaps being married wasn’t so terrible after all if every evening ended up like this. Now she wasn’t adverse at all about sharing a bed with him each night. It made perfect sense now why he was so insistent about it.

; Still lost in her thoughts of pleasure when something started niggling at her. She tried to push it aside, but it just grew more persistent, with a hiss of annoyance, she gave up trying to ignore it. It was only a matter of heartbeats that she realized what was bothering her. She was torn between outrage and confusion. Anger won out. She pushed herself up, forcefully brushed the hair from her face and swung to face her husband. “You blackguard. You not only broke your promise, you lied to me. You swore you would wait to consummate our marriage until we were better acquainted.”

  Smothering a groan of irritation when his wife sat up and in a tone filled with rage started tossing accusations at him, Garth glared at her. “I’m only a man, damn it. What did you expect would happen when you flaunt yourself in your bath? How was I to resist such a temptation?”

  Seething she made a fist and struck his chest, ignoring his growl; she turned away and gasped when she realized she was naked from the chest up. With a squeak of anger, she scrambled to cover herself. Her face hot with shame, she ducked her head. “I won’t allow it to happen again until we know each other better.” She said coldly and winced when he laughed.

  “If you think that you’re terribly misguided. Now you’ve tasted lovemaking and thoroughly enjoyed it you’ll only crave it again. No matter how much you’ll fight it your body will demand to have me back inside you. Go to sleep sweetheart. I don’t know about you but I’m warn out.”

  At the amusement in his voice, she gritted her teeth, we’ll see about that you… you rake. She didn’t know whether she was more furious at him or herself, confused and with mixed emotions, she slid further away. All she wanted was to put some distance between them. With a growl, she lay down and turned her back of him. If he so much as put a hand on her, she’d bite it off. When he reached out and turned off the lamp, she fumed in the darkness.